Inc Legal Services


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Wyoming Limited Liability Company Order Form


Organization & Support Services

SECTION I: Complete Business Package

LLC Complete Business Package  Total Fee: $895.00

The following services are provided with the Wyoming Business Package:

  Annual Fees

Wyoming Shelf LLC
   Requested Year of Shelf LLC Confirmed Total Fees:    ILS representative's initials.

The following services are included with Wyoming Limited Liability Company Organization:  

SECTION II: LLC Information

Indicate three choices for your LLC Name, in order of preference.
When filing multiple LLCs, please attach an additional page with name requests.
Note: The LLC must contain the words "Limited Liability Company", "L.L.C.","L.C.","LLC" or "LC"
The word company may be abbreviated as "Co."

First Choice

Second Choice

Third Choice

Purpose of LLC: (Banking, Insurance, Mortgage, Lending prohibited)

Dissolution Date: NRS 86.155  Perpetual existence of company.  Unless otherwise provided in its articles of organization or operating agreement, a limited-liability company has perpetual existence.

___________________________Optional Question Between the Lines________________________________

Members may admit additional members Yes No, If yes, state terms and conditions of admission:

(Example: "Upon unanimous consent of all members (or manager)."

Members may continue business upon termination of the membership on another member? Yes No
If yes, state terms and conditions. (Example: "Upon unanimous consent of all members (or manager)."

Any other provisions the members elect to set out in the articles of organization may be noted on separate pages and

 incorporated by reference herein as a part of the articles.
Number of pages attached:

Organization Agreement to be incorporated into the minutes of the First Meeting Yes No
If yes, please attach the agreement, or call for procedural information.


SECTION III: Manager Member Services

How shall the LLC be managed? Managers Members
If managed by Members, may Members contract debts on behalf of the LLC? Yes No

Managers or Members names and addresses (two or more names required). (Attach an additional page if more than two names are desired.) Any legal entity may be a Manager or Member. Initial filing may have different Managers/Members and change in the Initial Manager/Member filing. It is recommended to use the Office Identity address, if this option is chosen enter O.I. after the name of each member.

Initial Nevada List of Managers/Members filing $150 (included in Business Package).





For Manager Services see Manager Services Explanation      Annual FEE $250.00

Note: You have the option to provide notarized signature of members Yes No

Employer Identification Number, closing month of accounting year: ,
Start of Business Date

SECTION IV: Banking Services

The additional services required to open checking account; includes EIN registration, the preparation and expedited filing of the Initial Officer/Directors to the SOS are included in the Business Package.

LLC Checking Account requirements (each authorized signee): We now provide full support how to open a Bank account.

SECTION V: Domestic Services


Serves to Domicile (primary residence) the entity in Nevada.
Office facilities are located at:

3401 Sirius Ave Suite 3...
Las Vegas, Nevada 89102
Telephone: (702) 227-2244 Mailroom ext 1053
Office Identity: (702) 227-2232 (Answered "Corporate Office")
Facsimile: (702) 227-2222

 Limited Office Identity Service  (included in Business Package)            Annual Fee: $299.95

Mail Forward Deposit required for non US addresses.             $80.00

Forward Mail to: If the forwarding address is the incorporator's and this information is in entered below in Section VIII enter; name and "see VIII".
Mail Forwarding Instructions

How Often: Example Weekly, Monthly or as you chose. Mail procedures, NFH will remove obvious junk mail (clients option), monthly is forwarded after receipt of bank statement, handling charges are accessed for telephone calls for mail status, there is no charge for e-mails to the mailroom.
Mail Frequency Instructions

SECTION VI: Individual Professional Services
(Not required for incorporation)

1. WY Corporate Name Change.


2. Certificate Of Corporate Existence (Good Standing)     Quantity


3. Doing Business As (DBA)  is called a Trade Name in Wyoming place names of DBA(s) in section VIII special instructions. Name: and $100 per each additional.


4. Change of Officers/Directors, Managers/Members or Partners filing
($25 ILS fee + $125 S.O.S. fee) for less than $75,000 authorized shares.

to have this Expedited add an additional $115.00 ($40 ILS fee + $75 S.O.S. fee)


5. Director Signature includes S/H (excluding legal review)


6. Stock Certificate Order      Quantity
$25 printing charge per 10 certificates + $5 S/H

Printing Instructions
7. Living Trust  (Online)    Irrevocable TrustTrust        Quantity
Living Trust name


* additional service fees may apply see Director Services.

SECTION VII: Acceptance

I hereby accept Inc Legal Services. as the Resident Agent.


In the event of electronic process, a typed signature will be considered an original.


Password Four digit number, required for future access

Submission of this form authorizes Inc Legal Services to render the services selected in accordance to the instructions provided.

SECTION VIII: Client Information

Note: Completion of this section is optional. Any information provided is for client contact purposes only!


First Name: Last Name:
Home Address
City: State or Province:
Zip or Postal Code: Country:
Telephone No: Fax No:


Business Name:
Business Address:  
City: State or Province:
Zip or Postal Code: Country:
Telephone No: Fax No:

E-mail address:

  Please do not e-mail your Corporate News Letter

Communication Preferences

      Mail E-mail Fax Telephone No Preference

Additional Person(s) contact information: w/ additional pass codes & Authorization Level (1, 2, 3)

Special Instructions:


Please fill in the total amount of services selected and the desired method of payment below:

Method of Payment Amount

If Check by fax, please provide a copy of a voided check made payable to "Inc Legal Services."

CC Number Exp. Date CCV

Numeric portion of the credit card billing address (i.e. 123 Main Street)

Zip code of the credit card billing address

Refund policy; all entities will be filed within one working day upon receipt of this order or a full refund is guaranteed. Inc Legal Services takes no responsibility for the State of Wyoming or further actions of the companies Managers or Shareholders.


Signature       Date  

Typed Signature is to be considered as full authorization.

Complete then  and fax to (702) 227-2222 or Save as PDF  & E-mail to 

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