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Dear Friends,
Confused? You see "Incorporate for $100" advertised everywhere! Our Incorporation service fee begins at $100, but what does that mean? The basic fee should not be the cornerstone for your research. Instead ILS is dedicated to providing useful and pertinent information. For example, never do a foreign filing! (this is paying double usually for no reason) When should you use an LLC or a Corporation? Simple, Corporations are preferred for operating business and/or holding companies (such as company assets), while LLC's are good for pass through income and holding assets such as intellectual or real property. Corporations are better for privacy and have superior tax benefits. C corporations are best when there are expenses, operating cost and operating purchases, S corporations for businesses with limited operating expenses or to carry losses forward. Double taxation only exists when there is unmanageable sudden gain income. S corporations offer dividend income and this limits federal taxation. Read these examples and see if they help.Today things have changed we no longer recommend incorporate in Nevada, the annual fees are excessive, instead we incorporate in Wyoming and Domicile in Nevada getting the best of both worlds and save $$, this allowed us to lower our fee and offer the exactly the same service. Now you must decide if you want the basic incorporation package or our business package which includes; a business suite address, EIN and bank account. We suggest you read further.
Example for a Local Business: Joe's Pizza in New York, NY is an operating business and should incorporate in NY (and probably should file a 2553 "S" with IRS). If Joe's Pizza ends up owning the building and equipment, these assets should be owned by a separate holding entity, preferably a "C" corporation in Nevada. If Joe's Pizza gets sued and loses the lawsuit, the assets are protected in the holding entity. Remember, an operating company should never hold assets.
Example for Regional Business: ACME Consulting/web hosting does business nationally. This company should incorporate in Wyoming and be domiciled in Nevada. Without a proper "Domicile" (domicile means "place of residence") the Nevada advantages are lost. Incorporating alone does not domicile a business (articles of incorporation are like a birth certificate and have nothing to do with the company's residence), nor does having a resident agent (resident agent means "legal address for service") does not domicile a business. A business, when domiciled in Nevada, is headquartered here with branch offices elsewhere (foreign registration is not normally required). When shipment is made from a different state than the headquarters, it is advised that the Nevada corporation file a corporation in the state where shipment is made (for proper sales tax purposes). Never should a Nevada entity file as a foreign corporation in another state (new filing fees are the same as foreign fees).
Example for Real Estate business: ACME Real Estate Developer/Property Management places each property in an LLC. The Manager (Property Management/Developer) is incorporated as a C corporation, and the investors are the members. See chart with explanations.
For more details on specific pricing on our services, see our order forms, or call and let's talk. Remember, there are no commissioned salesmen at ILS. To place an order, see Order Forms and the package that suites your needs
We can assist you in the proper organizational structure, as needed. Please take a look at our site and the services we offer, then call, e-mail or stop by and visit. Appointments are not required-but it's a good idea to call to make sure there isn't a line in the waiting room! The coffee is always fresh and complementary!
Director Client Services
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